Mahoor Afshar talks about the effects of music on people and their spirits

1- Happy or sad music affects our perception of neutral issues. We can usually distinguish whether a music is happy or sad, but this opinion is usually based on the feeling that is conveyed to a person when listening to music. In fact, our brains respond differently to happy and sad music. Another interesting thing about how music affects emotions is that there are two types of emotions associated with music: perceptual emotions and affective emotions. This means that sometimes we can understand the emotions of a piece of music without experiencing them, which suggests that listening to sad music is not only not depressing for many, but also very enjoyable. . Unlike the real situation, no serious danger or limitation threatens us when listening to music, so we can understand the corresponding feelings without actually experiencing it.

2- Background sound can increase creativity. The performance of this theory is such that soft music increases the difficulty of processing, which leads to an increase in abstract processing and higher creativity. In other words, when we are trying to process things, we turn to more creative ways.

3- Music taste predicts personality A study in which couples got to know each other by looking at each other’s favorite song lists showed that these people made reliable predictions about moral traits. They had reached each other. This research provided 5 moral characteristics to the participants and it was interesting that some characteristics were predicted very accurately and based on the music taste of others.

• Blues fans are self-confident, creative, outgoing, kind and easy-going.

• Music fans are more self-confident, creative, outgoing and comfortable.

• Classical music fans are highly confident, creative, introverted and comfortable.

• Rap fans are highly confident and outgoing.

• Opera fans are highly confident, creative and kind.

• Indie music fans are low self-esteem and creative, but not kind and hard-working.

• Bollywood music fans are creative and adventurous.

• Rock or heavy metal fans are low self-esteem, creative, kind and easy-going, but not hard-working or outgoing.

• Pop fans are self-confident, hard-working, outgoing, and kind, but not creative or easy-going.

• Soul music fans are self-confident, creative, outgoing, kind, and easy-going.

4- Music while driving is significantly distracting (contrary to popular belief) Drivers were tested while listening to their favorite music, silence or safe music (which the researchers suggested). Of course, most of them preferred their own music, but it proved to be more distracting: when listening to their favorite music, drivers made more mistakes and drove more violently.

They drove more. More interestingly, the music provided by the researchers was much more effective than silence. Unfamiliar, or uninteresting music seemed to be the best option for driving.

5- Learning music can significantly increase movement and reasoning skills. Generally, people think that learning a musical instrument is very useful for children, but in fact, it is much more useful than what we expect. . One study showed that children who received three or more years of musical instrument training performed better in terms of auditory discrimination abilities than those who did not receive music training. These children also performed better in terms of vocabulary and non-verbal reasoning abilities. They scored better, which includes understanding and examining visual information such as identifying relationships, similarities, and differences between shapes and designs. Children are not the only ones who can benefit from education or exposure to music. A small study found that stroke patients gained more visual attention when listening to classical music.

This study also tested white noise and silence to compare results, and found that, like the driving study cited, silence led to the worst results.

7-One-way phone calls are more distracting than normal conversations. Another study that focused on noise instead of music showed that when it comes to distraction in conversations with others, one-way phone calls They are the worst. After a questionnaire found that 82% of people find listening to other people’s phone conversations annoying, Veronica Galvan, a cognitive psychologist at the University of San Diego in the US, decided to find out why. In a study, the participants were divided into two groups, one of these two groups had to listen to one side of a phone conversation and the other group had to listen to the entire conversation and solve a puzzle. The group that listened to one side of the conversation was less focused than the other group. The researchers found the reason to be trying to guess the other side of the conversation that the participant is not hearing.

Let’s go back to music! We see that just as silence cannot help creativity and better driving, it is not a very effective factor during exercise either. Research has been going on for years on the effect of listening to music while exercising. In 1911, a study showed that listening to music increased cyclists’ pedaling speed compared to silence. This is because listening to music can suppress the brain’s cries of fatigue.

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