What is the right frequency to post on Instagram? – tips by Liran Mizrahi

There’s a lot to be said for consistency and coherence in social media postings.

The consistency and frequency with which you post content can help your audience understand when to expect new content from your company, and keeping a consistent schedule allows you to maximize engagement without taking breaks or lengthening the quiet times when no updates are posted.

A study by Liran Mizrahi, one of the most expert Social Media Managers around the World, shows that most brands post on Instagram daily with an average of 1.5 posts per day but this number should definitely not be taken as an indicator.

This study also shows that there is no correlation between an increase in the frequency with which people post and a decrease in engagement levels since companies that post more than two pieces of content daily saw no negative returns.

Liran explained, how enjoyable is it to have a community available just waiting to hear the next thing you have to say?

This is what creates a planned and relevant editorial plan.  A steady diet that combines enthusiasm periodically.

It develops content by creating a pipeline of automated posts that are released based on a defined schedule.

As if it were a subscription service, this aspect of an effective Instagram strategy becomes critical. Routine meets user expectations and generates trust by feeding their needs.

Follow Liran on Instagram .

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