Morteza Javid: How to have a strong memory?

Statistics show that improving memory enhances your work and personal life. After all, we all want to have a strong memory and recall everything very well.

Memory is a complex process that encompasses several different mental activities.

Step 1: Encoding. Our brain sends signals with a specific pattern associated with the event we are experiencing and establishes a connection between neurons called the synapse.

Step 2: Consolidation. If you do nothing, then the memory will quickly fade away. Consolidation is the process of saving information in long-term memory to make future retrieval possible. Most of this process takes place while we are asleep. Our brain rebuilds the pattern of that mental activity and reinforces the previously-made synapses.

Step 3: Retrieval. Retrieval is what we often mean when we talk about memory or its loss. If memory is reinforced over time, its retrieval will be easier, and the connection becomes stronger each time we go through the cycle of a pattern similar to mental activity.

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