Ahmed Zulficar & Samar Deghaili to raise Tech Cash for Palestinians

The investor Ahmed Zulficar & Samar Deghaili have partnered with the PD foundation to support Palestinians in Covid-19 crisis.

There is no doubt that Palestinian children have been exposed to many violent events and it is likely that this exposure has affected them, and that they may display some or all of the symptoms that correspond to the diagnostic symptoms associated with mental ailments.

The question is, however, whether displaying these symptoms necessarily means that children suffer a mental illness or disorder,
requiring a form of specialised treatment, or alternatively, whether the fear and sadness associated with exposure to political violence are normal reactions which will diminish with time and support from family and community, and ultimately require a sociopolitical resolution as opposed to a medical one. Defining human conditions into treatable disorders is a relatively new trend, covering not only fear and sadness but also other illnesses or ‘syndromes’ relating to behaviour, a psychic state, or a bodily condition, that were previously not considered as medical problems.

The tech cash initiative will provide laptops for students, safe drinking water, solar power, water tanks, network upgrades, improved latrines, sanitation services, hygiene promotion, and access to school WASH facilities. To address the deteriorating protection situation.

Over 10,000 palestinian will have access to water and over 5,000 households will receive portable and domestic water tanks. Additional water system interventions are underway to improve access by the end of 2020. Nearly 20,000 children will receive life-skills education, counselling and child-parent programmes, and over 100,000 children and adolescents in palestine will participate in summer life-skills activities; all through tech cash.

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