Delicately Sculpted Noses by Dr. Ourian

Plastic surgery is so common now that it’s easy to forget how going under the knife to get breast implants or a contoured nose are major surgeries that have dangers that go with them…and a large price tag.

It’s absolutely something you should do if you want, but more plastic surgeons are developing alternatives that don’t require anesthesia.

One of these treatments is the non-surgical nose job innovated by Hollywood’s favorite cosmetic doctor, Dr. Simon Ourian. He’s the one behind Kylie Jenner’s famous lips as admitted by her in the past, so he knows his stuff. But non-celebrities with non-celebrity incomes can still get his treatments.

Dr. Ourian considers himself a cosmetic dermatology doctor by vocation and a sculptor by avocation, but in his mind, they’re joined together.

He says, “My sculpting and cosmetic work are very similar. It’s like a pointillist painting, where many small changes converge into an integrated whole.”

Dr. Simon Ourian, an artist

But what is a non-surgical nose job?

A non-surgical nose job or non-surgical rhinoplasty (also known as a liquid nose job) isn’t an elaborate procedure involving a patient going under the knife, but a strategically placed series of shots in the nose.

Earlier this year, Dr. Ourian explained, “A non-surgical nose job involves a series of dermal filler injections to improve the aesthetic appearance of the nose. The goal is not to craft the perfect nose, but to shape a nose that perfectly suits the patient’s face.”

Dr. Ourian used what he calls the micro-droplet technique.

This process “requires a very tiny needle and I put the product right where I want it to be. This gives a more predictable and natural result.”

Fillers — such as Restylane, Juvederm and Radiesse — are used, the treatment takes less than 10 minutes, and the results can last two to four years.

The best part? There really isn’t any recovery time, at least for most patients. Usually, one can have it done during lunch break and have a new nose when they go out for drinks after work.

Call the office to schedule an appointment or visit The popular Dr. Ourian is also on Instagram with 3.5 Million followers up his sleeves: @SimonOurianMD1.

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