Pr Rel Enlarged prostate

Enlarged prostate or BPH treatment with Dr. Allen’s Device is safe and low-priced, states Fine Treatment

Many men suffer from frequent urination during the day and at night, a weak urine flow, which are irritating symptoms caused by enlarged prostate. These symptoms are called lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS). Dr. Allen’s Device reduces the prostate size and LUTS gradually improving men’s wellbeing.

An enlarged prostate gland or benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is non-life-threatening condition, therefore it should be treated safely. Unfortunately, today BPH drugs are widely prescribed to men for urination symptoms relief causing new health problems and depression.

2 types of medications, usually prescribed for men with BPH, have serious side effects: 

– alpha-blockers such as: tamsulosin (Flomax) and others, can cause weakness, retrograde ejaculation, impotence and a couple years ago the article in the Canadian journal explored that alpha-blockers have a higher risk of ischemic stroke during the initiation phase.

– 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors, such as finasteride and dutasteride, Avodart, Proscar and Propecia; can cause irreversible side effects: impotence, depression, testicle pain, and even diabetes.

Since none of these drugs are effective, both of these drugs (dutasteride and tamsulosin) are given to a person with an enlarged prostate together, it is so-called combination therapy, which can cause more health problems.

Unfortunately, BPH drug therapy is not effective, so a number of minimally invasive surgical procedures are proposed. Why are there too many of them? Because none of them can satisfy customers with enlarged prostate.

That is why Thermobalancing Therapy, which has shown the ability to reverse prostate enlargement becomes popular among men with prostate enlargement. These positive changes are confirmed by a clinic trial. Furthermore, Dr. Allen’s Device was successfully used in men with BPH for over 10 years. 

Dr. Allen’s Device is a class 1 medical device, which does not require the involvement of a notified body at any country. So, everyone can use it at home without worrying, as this treatment option causes no side effects. The delivery of Dr. Allen’s Device is guaranteed by Royal mail and USPS tracking services. 

Over a decade, many patients suffering from enlarged prostate are using this non-invasive and side-effects free Dr. Allen’s Device. It helped them to manage this chronic condition easily. Fine Treatment,, an innovative healthcare company, manufactures and delivers this device to every customer’s home.

Fine Treatment supports global customer outreach and ensures international availability of Dr. Allen’s Devices for the treatment of chronic prostatitis and BPH, coronary heart disease, for dissolving kidney stones, as well as for easing headaches, dizziness, and relieving lower back pain and sciatica.

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