Mercedes-Benz Tests EActros 600 Of Every 44 Deg C In Spain

Mercedes-Benz Trucks has reported fruitful culmination of summer testing of the battery-electric eActros 600 for significant distance haulage. In Andalusia, a region in the south of Spain, test engineers put the electric truck through its paces for approximately five weeks in temperatures as high as 44 degrees Celsius.

The extent of testing went from the usefulness of the cooling framework at high temperatures to the exhibition of the electric powertrain and battery warm administration to estimations during charging processes at fast charging stations.

After the tests were over, a prototype drove the more than 2,000 kilometers back to the Mercedes-Benz Trucks development and testing center in Wörth am Rhein on its own after traveling through Valencia, Barcelona, Montpellier, and Lyon. The eActros 600 will have its world premiere on October 10. The vehicle is wanted to be prepared for series creation in 2024.

Dr. Konrad Götz, Deputy Head of Mercedes-Benz Trucks’ Global Testing: We have oppressed the eActros 600 to thorough testing strategies since the year before. After winter testing in Finland in freezing cold temperatures down to short 25 deg Celsius and starting tests on open streets, the electric truck currently needed to show what itself can do at more than 40 degrees Celsius in Spain. The difficult tests were easy for the eActros 600 to pass. In the subsequent stage, we’re currently anticipating testing, in actuality, activity with our clients.”

The driver’s cab of the eActros 600 has a new design language that breaks away from the Actros model series’ familiar look. It takes design elements from the concept prototype that was shown at the IAA and continues them with straight lines and an aerodynamic design. The inside is likewise being overhauled.

Three battery packs give the eActros 600 an introduced complete limit of more than 600 kWh in series creation and two electric engines as a component of the new e-pivot produce a consistent result of 400 kW as well as a pinnacle result of north of 600 kW. Notwithstanding the farm hauler unit, Mercedes-Benz Trucks will likewise deliver inflexible variations of the eActros 600 right at market send off. Customers will have access to numerous additional fully electric transportation use cases as a result.

Improvement engineers at Mercedes-Benz Trucks are planning the eActros 600 so the vehicle and its parts meet similar toughness necessities as a tantamount traditional weighty significant distance Actros. That implies 1.2 million kilometers out and about over a time of 10 years.

The eActros 600 uses lithium-iron phosphate cell technology for its batteries. These are described, most importantly, by a long help life and more usable energy. The designers of Mercedes-Benz Trucks hold back nothing of the creation eActros 600 to be equipped for being charged from 20 to 80 percent in less than 30 minutes at an accusing station of a result of around one megawatt.

As indicated by the truck creator, the center of the Mercedes-Benz Trucks idea for battery-electric significant distance transport is to offer clients an all encompassing arrangement comprising of vehicle innovation, counseling, charging foundation and administrations. Customers will be able to choose the eActros 600 because of its profitability, sustainability, and dependability.

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