“THE CRAZY HOST FROM AIRBNB ATTACKS AGAIN” – Olivia Molina Avellaneda shares more screenshots

We saw in a recent article how Olivia Molina is preparing a law suit against company Airbnb, as in her latest Airbnb stay, her landlord constantly harassed her and sent her hate messages and intimidating phone calls. Until now Airbnb is not taking action on the case.

Recently, Olivia posted screenshots of their full conversations on her instagram platform @molina.oliviaa with the landlord showing his true side again proving Olivia’s right.

This Airbnb host named Mike created multiple fake accounts and again texted her several times with very perturbing messages which Olivia was able to save prior to his attempts to delete them.

It is important to emphasize again that Olivia is 6 months pregnant and despite her many attempts to reach Airbnb to help address the situation and report her landlord, she has received no feedback or call back from them thus far.

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