How do we cultivate our voice for singing? Explanations from the language of Farshid Adhami, a famous and popular Iranian singer

Steps of sound preparation for proper exercises

1) Daily habits and exercises

You can use your daily and continuous exercises to prepare the sound. Practice to the extent that you can find the true harmony of your voice by amplifying your voice. In this way, you start with singing exercises and open and release your voice to warm up. Of course, overheating the sound will damage your vocal cords, so adjust it properly. Singers warm their voices before reading to have a stronger and better performance. To warm up, use strengthening exercises to keep your voice healthy.

2. Do not force yourself to read aloud:

When you want to sing out loud, first warm up the sound slowly and start from the bottom note and gradually increase it. If you go to the top of the note to warm up right away, your voice will not sound very good.

3- Drink lots of lukewarm drinks:

Suitable drink, ie neither too hot nor too cold. A lukewarm drink is the best option for your vocal cords. Because it easily keeps your throat moist and cleans your vocal cords of mucus and dirt. Cold water is toxic to the vocal cords and can cause inflammation of the vocal cords.

4- Deep breathing practice:

Make diaphragmatic breathing a daily habit. When you practice every day to breathe through the diaphragm instead of your chest, you get used to deep breathing, and instead of your chest going up and down, it is your diaphragm or abdomen that fills and empties.

5. Define the right time to breathe while singing:

Singing notes are usually marked with a comma or other symbol. Review the poem before reading and pay attention to the markings instead. You need to be able to practice this breathing between the notes of the song so that you can have a catchy song without having to breathe or flash.

6- Record your own voice:

Record your voice while singing. You are the best option to see if you like your voice or not. Listen to your voice with an open mind and without direction, and if it is not good, correct it instead of convincing yourself.

Do not shout

No need to shout. Your screaming damages your vocal cords and makes your voice scratch. You may not believe that your healthy eating and lifestyle are effective for having a healthy and audible voice. As a result, to get enough sound and strong vocal cords, get enough rest from vegetables, get 8 hours of sleep a night, and drink plenty of water to make a louder sound.

7. Trial and error

Read your phrases and songs using different models of nasal tonnage, different accents and in different styles to find out which one is right for you. You can also use the effective criticism of your friends in this regard.

8- Practice singing in front of people:

Reading in front of people may not make you feel good at first. But it will help you a lot. If you can not look into the eyes of the person while singing, look at his forehead. You can also practice in front of a mirror before performing in front of other people

If you are interested in traditional and Iranian songs, a traditional singing training class can help you find your hobbies.

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