Who is Hamzeh Najafimehr?

Hamzeh Najafimehr, an Iranian inventor who has received several world-renowned awards in the field of idea generation and invention, including the Swiss, South Korea, Poland, Thailand and other world-renowned inventors’ competitions.

He is also an author and has published two books in the field of branding and business development.

In the following text, we read a short and interesting article by him called;

Beyond invention, a way to conquer the future;

Each geography has its own culture and consumption pattern, which of course is influenced by the needs of that society.

In this geography, an inventor probably works and thinks to find an answer to that need from within his personal demands that have become his mental issues or concerns. For example, an inventor’s personal experience of his father’s blindness, unconsciously leads him to solve the problems of blindness.

This method of ideation can be correct, but this inventor is apparently not very aware of the bigger game at the global level.

The most important issue that I want to point out is that;

The level of needs and the consumption pattern of a society, is defined through being connected to the world’s bigger and more complex network. The society is not involved with small and big needs, problems and challenges internally and separated from other countries and societies. Nowadays, the concept of geographical boundaries and local needs have become obsolete and intangible.

 For example, the introduction of Apple’s innovation has changed the culture and pattern of consumers everywhere in the world, and it is from within this culture and pattern that new needs and issues are opened to the world.

But the important question is:

Does the recognition of these needs and issues happen in the present moment?

The answer is usually no!

Needs will arise in the future, and the more an inventor is aware of the needs that will arise in the future and organizes his thinking and, as a result, his ideas and inventions for that need, that society is a leading society in that field, because the answer to that need is in his hands before everyone else.

So I will end the first part of my talk with this sentence;

Power lies in conquering the future. Any society that lives more in the future and is ready for that moment in terms of ideas, innovation and policies will be ahead of the rest.

In the second part, I want to address the question of whether an inventor will be able to conquer the future alone.

Today, science has acquired various specialized branches and one person cannot have the necessary expertise in all fields.

Psychologically, if I want to analyze an inventor, his personality is holistic and he will definitely need guidance and management in minor issues and executive details. For example, market and marketing is a specialized expertise. When an inventor gets rid of his ideation and innovation process, he should know that his work has just begun. What job, one might ask!?

Audience interaction and its innovation. It translates to the entry of that invention into the market.

What effects will his innovation and invention have on people’s lives and society. In other words, entering the consumption cycle and implementing that innovation will require the advice and guidance of experts in this field.

Here I want to end my talk with this sentence;

If the innovation policy ecosystem of a society is not towards the future, innovation will always be one step behind the events and challenges.

We must reach a place where we are ahead of the challenges so that we can always have ideas for people’s comfort and quality of life.

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